Team-GPT Reviews


4.97 stars
4.97 stars

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Showing 1 - 20 of 60 reviews
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Member since: Apr 2020Deals bought: 42
5 stars
5 stars
Posted: Jul 29, 2024

One of my best purchases!

Team collaboration with chatGPT couldn't be easier than this! The developers are also very quick updating the API with the latest one so it's not behind with the ChatGPT single account.

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Member since: Aug 2021Deals bought: 316
5 stars
5 stars
Posted: Jan 22, 2024

Cuts GPT Cost To More Than 1/3

It is a platform designed to increase collaboration within teams by utilizing OpenAI's ChatGPT models.

This product offers several advantages.

Pros: -

Best For Collaboration With Team: T-GPT excels in fostering effective collaboration among team members. By leveraging the power of ChatGPT, it allows for seamless communication and idea exchange.
Does not matter what you throw at it, whether it's new project ideas, brainstorming topics, or seeking input from colleagues, T-GPT improves teamwork.

Cost-Cutting: One significant advantage of T-GPT is its cost-effectiveness. Instead of opting for individual ChatGPT Plus subscriptions, team owners have the option to pay for their colleagues' subscriptions.
This approach ensures that everyone in the team can benefit from the enhanced features without incurring additional costs.


Slight Learning Curve: It is worth noting that there might be a slight learning curve associated with adopting the ChatGPT technology itself. However, T-GPT has itself addressed this concern by providing a detailed hour-long course specifically tailored for Team-GPT users.
The course consists of bite-sized videos that make it easier for teams to grasp and leverage the capabilities of ChatGPT.

Absolutely a 5 Taco Deal

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Member since: Jan 2023Deals bought: 4
5 stars
5 stars
Posted: Jan 17, 2024

Amazing solution

Team GPT is amazing!
Not to mention the team behind them.

Instead of paying $25/employee/month, we decided to give this option a try and is simplifies our daily activities.
Plus, we have folders and we can work together on the same topics

The option to delete messages is great!

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Member since: Sep 2014Deals bought: 811
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5 stars
Posted: Jan 4, 2024

Lives up to its name

TeamGPT is pretty sweet, I have to say. It's like a financial superhero, swooping in to rescue you from those $20 monthly bills for individual ChatGPT Plus subscriptions. Plus, the organizational mojo it brings to your chats with team folders and subfolders is seriously handy. Sure, watch out for those API fees – they can be a bit sneaky. But the cool part? You've got the power to set limits and versions for each chat. It's not all sunshine, but TeamGPT does make the work-life a bit brighter.

And yes, ChatGPT rewrote my review.

Founder Team


May 9, 2024


Love the review! Stoked we're helping cut costs and organize better. Appreciate the heads up on API fees, too.
Overall, if we're making your work-life brighter, we're winning.

Cheers to ChatGPT for a stellar review rewrite!


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Verified purchaser

Member since: Oct 2020Deals bought: 81
5 stars
5 stars
Posted: Dec 30, 2023

Really good Tool

Excellent tool; it integrates easily into a work team and significantly contributes to the understanding of Chat GPT. The most important thing is that it encourages the adoption and implementation of this and other artificial intelligence technologies in our daily routine, allowing us to see them as a useful resource rather than a threat to our professions and jobs.

Founder Team


May 9, 2024

Hi there,

Thanks so much for the kind words!


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