timegram Questions

Showing 1 - 20 of 22 questions

Q: Zapier integration is now live!

Please go to account settings > integrations to check. Let me know if any of you face any issues at all. We can set it up for you as well.

ehsanelahiJan 11, 2024
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Q: Hi ehsanelahi, is it correct that I can only add highlights from the last 5 days?

So I have to do this every single 5 day period or all the tracking data is lost?

applad1Jan 5, 2024
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Founder Team


May 14, 2024

A: That is correct, yes. The reason we set it up this way is, if your users don't log their highlights on time, all of the reporting, analytics, and oversight is essentially rendered useless for managers. Thank you.


Q: Hi ehsanelahi, Looks like a great product for small teams, I have a few questions: 1)Tracking a)Does the ...

software track time on multiple urls and apps on a timeline basis?
b)Are there any warnings that appear when certain url's or apps are launched - i.e 'this is on the blocklist'?

a)As for individual performance - is it just the team owner and team member that can see their stats
b)As a team owner can I combine stats from multiple users to see a 'team overview'?
c)Is your software GDPR compliant?

3)Invoicing and payment
a)Is payment made to an employer through a Stripe intergration, are there any other options?
b)Is it possible for a team member to fire an invoice without time tracking i.e a set amount for a 'project'?
c)As a team owner can I create an invoice for a team member, such as a 'bonus payment' for high productivity?

4)Mobile app
This is a big one as my team may end up working from mobile - do you have plans for native mobile apps which sync accounts with the desktop app?

5)Email/SMS alerts
Are there any programmable email or sms alerts - 'x amount of hours' spent on this task?

a)Any plan to intergrate with my main project management tool Flowlu?
b)Any plan to intergrate with Albato - Zapier alternative?
c)Is there a list of current intergrations on your website?

Many thanks,


Matt_S_HDec 5, 2023
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Founder Team


May 14, 2024

A: 1)Tracking
Answer: The app tracks everything and groups it by day. The architecture supports tracking on a timeline basis but this is not currently on production environment. We need to iron out some kinks there first in terms of UI.

We have an 'exclude URLs' feature, where any domain you enter is completely ignored and doesn't show up when logging time at all, along with all URLs associated...


Q: can this app take screenshots & track keystrokes and clicks.

production66Dec 1, 2023
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Founder Team


May 15, 2024

A: In theory, timegram's current architecture supports screenshots but we neither endorse not provide it. We could eventually give it as a toggle-able option to customers in the future though (would require a couple of weeks worth of development effort).

As far as keystroke and click logging goes, we track the number of but not what is pressed, and we do so to configure rules for idle or active...


Q: This looks amazing, and I've picked it up, and would easily give 5 stars, except for one thing.

The deal says Zapier and other integrations are available but on the site they just say 'coming soon'. So they are not available, right?

applad1Nov 7, 2023
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Founder Team


May 15, 2024

A: I really appreciate you saying this. For Zapier, it's actually an unfortunate story. At the time of publishing on AppSumo, our Zapier integration was complete, but when we pushed it into production and actual users started using it, we discovered some literal dealbreakers in terms of how the integration worked. We are currently working on resolving that - should be out very soon.

In the...
