Q: Any plan for 4K res?

- Do you have any plan for enabling 4K recording capabilities?
- Can we embed the video in Gmail to send emails out?
- How can I have a "Button" CTR at the end of the video instead of a text link?
- Can we get a circle camera shape for recording ourselves?
- Can you make at least 2hr per video limit? For educators, it is super helpful.


mintJBPLUSEdited Dec 27, 2024
Founder Team


Jan 6, 2025

A: Hey There! Let me see if I can answer all your questions:

1. Yes we plan on adding 4k but that will come in a different pricing tier. Recording in 4k nearly triples the recording cost.
2. Not at this moment. Embedding via gmail requires a custom integration with our chrome extension which we haven't gotten to just yet but will be coming soon.
3. We implemented links first but will add buttons in the near future!
4. This will come with our desktop app in 2025!
5. We're looking at expanding our recording limit to 3hrs in the near future but that will require an additional tier purchase.

Hope this helps!

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Posted: Jan 7, 2025

Thank you for responding, we eagerly wait for the updates.