Voiser Questions

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Showing 1 - 20 of 45 questions

Q: I just type 2 lines in English and tried it on Taiwan mandarin however the voice over spoke in 99% English and 1% mandarin.

How is this so , i thought , if text is in English , speech will be the language will be the one we chose . I tried other software before and all convert from English text to the speech language i chose.

How do i convert English to mandarin ?

vivienhoeDec 17, 2022
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May 15, 2024

A: Hey , Voiser doesn't support language translation.


Q: Can you tell me about the downloading format.

It's currently only available in mp3. I need to get files in an uncompressed wav format so that they can edit with the source file.

ansuprPLUSDec 1, 2022
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May 14, 2024

A: Hey, you must be a sound pro.
For now just mp3.


Q: Hello, I bought max tiers and signed up but then got locked out because I didn't receive the activation link e-mail.

I tried again by clicking 'forgot password' but still didn't receive any e-mail and it's been more than 20 minutes.

Can you please help?

shujarabbaniNov 30, 2022
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May 14, 2024

A: If you need anything, have any questions, or just need help,
You can simply send email to hello @voiser.net to get in touch.
or text from WhatsApp: +90 216 599 1011
or “Support” messages sent from the panel, reach a shared email account and one of us responds shortly.
Peace your mind, we provide remote computer support over AnyDesk or Teamviewer.


Q: Why this offer is only available for a few days?

Are you planning to return to Appsumo?

maqmaqNov 29, 2022
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May 14, 2024

A: It is so sweet to have a message after the deal ends.
We will come back with many new developments later on.


Q: Hi Is WebReader included in this offer?

If yes then how does it work and what are the limitations?

EmZPLUSNov 21, 2022
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May 15, 2024

A: Hey leeroynz,
Neural voices are included in all tiers. There are several voice engine partners globally. One of them made a great development and called the voice types as neural. We listed them with HD to differentiate on Voiser Studio. For now, you have 400HD voice skins in 140+ different languages/accents. They're non-HD but which are not bad, provided by other voice engine suppliers. Total is more than 550+ voice skins.
Our reply was pointing out that having API with HD/Neural voice would be greatly advantageous.


Q: Hello everyone @Voiser & Appsumo, I am French and I have some difficulty getting what the "tiers" mean...

Let's take tier 4. I see that it's a "one time purchase" with 12 speech-to-text hours per month. Doest it mean that, for the rest of my life, I'll get those 12 hours every single month without paying any extra ? If not, please explain.
Thank you !

benjamin161Nov 26, 2022
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May 15, 2024

A: Bonjour Benjamin,
You will have a 12-hour transcription package every month.


Q: Hi, 1 I bought Tier 4 but I am extremely frustrated that you didnt build in a conversation mode!

It is almost already there if you think about it! It is already possible to write line by line and voice line by line. But it would be great if I could assign each line its own voice!

So in conversation mode I would be able to write something spoken by Voice 1(line 1) and next line 2 I could let another voice speak the reply and so on downwards.

And then each line is marked with each voice name and image. So then I could create a full conversation script! Now I have to write the first line with the first Vocieover character and download.

Then I have to go back and make a the reply and download it.

Then after the whole conversation I have to use an audio software to put it all together.

How about making the conversation right there and then, being able to change voices, line by line?

Seems like it should really be there already, seems brilliant! But instead I only have one voice for all the lines and have to download each individual line, each individual reply in the conversation.

Why do I ahve to voice selected lines again when loading it up from saved? So it cost credit again after I reload a voiceover? Yes it did, I thought it would be saved and just loaded up again without doing the work again?

mix624PLUSNov 29, 2022
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May 15, 2024

A: Hi,
1- You made nice explanation how you can alternatively make conversational voice over at Voiser Studio. And what you are asking will coming soon.
2-There is a ongoing development since we moved to super fast and secure server recently. Dev team putting code layers back, and it won't burn credits like before.


Q: Can it differentiate between multiple speakers?

In the screenshot, it does not look like it...

julius_trirootNov 28, 2022
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May 15, 2024

A: Not yet, new feature/development coming soon.


Q: I wrote a day ago but I need an answer to figure out whether to buy another 2 tiers on Appsumo or whether to ...

return the purchased ones as well and, if I want to take another 2, I need to know quickly otherwise the BF expires. Please @Omer_Voiser, try to be precise in your answers, thanks.
Yesterday I wrote: 1) I asked you if I would add 2 more tiers, to bring the level from 2 to 4 and you replied that 60 days after the purchase you could do it. Maybe I didn't explain myself well, two months after the purchase it seems like a lot to me, if I buy 2 more codes before the offer expires on the 29th, can't you take me to level 4 with API right away?

2) I did a test and I realized that naturalness is not perfect, the voice (in Italian) finished the sentence even without punctuation, when the sentence shouldn't have finished, it paused a little and started again as after the point. In this case, is there any code to make the AI ​​management not to finish the sentence at random? I am attaching the file that Voiser produced from this text:
“Evolutionary communication bases its criteria on the use of personal evolution through the study and practice of holistic and humanistic disciplines. The global vision that distinguishes this communication brings man back to the center of the focus, generating new synaptic and creative thoughts.”
As you can see, the declension of pauses and end of sentence are incorrect

3) If the system is not accurate and induces me to change Speaker or modify the text for the reading to be correct, 10% more is not enough for me but I think it is very difficult to generate a correct reading, and therefore, many tests are needed. It makes no sense that credits are downloaded for each test but it makes sense to have an audio preview (even by applying an audio watermark, as for example AudioJungle from Envato does) until it is correct and therefore ready to be downloaded by scaling the credits . Is this something that will be done? Or will we always have to burn part of our credits to get an acceptable result?

Thanks a lot for the replies

alessandrocastagnaPLUSNov 25, 2022
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May 14, 2024

A: Hey Alessandro,
Why do you need to buy another 2 tiers? All Tiers have multi-user license for co-working.
1) AppSumo support team reply on package upgrade request
"User will simply need to upgrade to Tier X! No codes are involved as this is a licensing deal. To do this, a user will simply to go their “Products” section within their AppSumo account, and select the upgrade option for Voiser!"
2) Our global voice engine partners keep developing voice skins. If the bug can be fixed by our team, we do it inside. You should open a ticket from your account.
3) Every change you make reduces your credits. You may keep 1 sentence at every line to preview. When you select all lines, you will export the audio as one file.


Q: are you guys just using the lovo api?

danirogercPLUSNov 27, 2022
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May 15, 2024

A: No, it isn't a voice engine. We have similar global suppliers.
Besides, Voiser supports 2 services: voiceover and transcription


Q: I want to translate videos into several languages.

Can this do that for me? It would be important for the timing of the generated audio track for the video to be similar to the original. For example, suppose I have one sentence, and a 7-second pause where I'm writing on a whiteboard, and then another sentence. The translated audio should have the same pause, so that the second sentence is heard after things are written on the whiteboard, so that the listeners can understand what's said.

Can this product do that for me?

iconoclastNov 24, 2022
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May 15, 2024

A: Voiser Transcribe doesn't support language translation for now.
Exporting transcription in .srt format will be the answer for your translation match.
(Roadmap) By new year, you will be able to change subtitle export settings like grouping 6 words together etc.
Your purchase can be refundable in 2 months. Use it it as much as you can.


Q: Does this text to audio tool have any options for changing the tone of a voice?

For example, I'd like to use speaking styles like:

- Conversational

- Motivational

- Emotional

- Audiobooks / Narrative

- Instructional / Tutorial

- Enthusiastic / Promotional / Marketing

- YouTube video voice styles for telling scary stories, such as the voices in channels like Mr. Nightmare, Mr. Revenant, and Darkness Prevails.

I think it's nice that this AI tool has many different voices to choose from, but I'm curious if a variety of speaking styles are also possible, since that would help when working with different types of projects.

Opal13241Nov 24, 2022
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May 15, 2024

A: Hey Opal,
You can improve synthesis with Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML) in 6 languages with some voiceskins.
We haven't cross check the list but hereby: t.ly/sPKA


Q: I'm impressed with the service and would definitively consider Tier 3 if it included the API.

Having said this, I really like the "Speech Style" option available in some voices (angry, hopeful, sad, etc..)

It would be great if one could customize each sentence with a different "style" since that's how a good human storyteller supports the emotional arch of the story.... with varying emotions.

Is this something on the roadmap?

david.afonsoNov 24, 2022
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May 15, 2024

A: Hey again David,
Our solution partners provides SSML settings. As much as they increase the source you will be able to use it also.
That is the major interesting part of Voiser deal. All features included without any tricky and sneaky limitations.
P.S. Only Tier-4 has API access.


Q: Is it on your roadmap the possibility of having different voices for each sentence?

So one can create multiple characters audiobooks?

david.afonsoNov 24, 2022
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May 15, 2024

A: Hey David,
This is on the priority list which will be live soon, I guess before new year.


Q: I'm interested to buy some TTS software for some personal, educational, and commercial projects.

So, I'd like to know if, purchasing this tool, can I use it to audio for fictional characters to interactive books, videos, games, and apps? My main goal is gaming and education.

Which usage limitation about non-personal projects? I mean, I'm a teacher and sometimes I create games with my students. Can I use these graphics in free and commercial projects developed with another person (2 or 3-people teams)?

If used to create gaming character voices, how many files/minutes in audio can I generate for a month?

ChristianoSantosNov 24, 2022
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May 15, 2024

A: Hi again Christiano,
AppSumo deal based on Voiser Enterprise plan, not personal/individual. So, commercial rights are included.
You can generate as much file as you want within character limits of package in every 30-day period.
You have "multiple user" license included with all tiers for co-working.


Q: Hello I purchased tier 4 to try Voiser with the intention of keeping it but Is there preview function without consuming credits?

I want to be able to listen to the audio before exporting especially when working with larger documents as this burns through credits quickly.

I have used about 8 different TTS, some I own and none of them charge credits for previewing the work file, they only do so for finalizing/exporting.

I am concerned that Voiser is charging me for previewing while making edits AND for the final output.

Thank you

SumoXavNov 24, 2022
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May 15, 2024

A: Hey SumoXav,
With Voiser you don't have any download limit. You can generate as much as you want. All tries including setting changes reduce from package.
💡 Not to burn your credits fast for finding a voice skin suits to your project, please listen samples at Explore Voices
💡 and you should divide paragraphs into 2-3 sentences and voiceover them separately to preview.
Tier-4 has 500.000 characters monthly limit.
500.000 / 6 letters = 84.000 words
84.000 / 300 = 278 full page text


Q: I'm interested to buy some TTS software for some personal, educational, and commercial projects.

So, I'd like to know if, purchasing this tool, can I use it to audio for fictional characters to interactive books, videos, games, and apps? My main goal is gaming and education.

Which usage limitation about non-personal projects? I mean, I'm a teacher and sometimes I create games with my students. Can I use these graphics in free and commercial projects developed with another person (2 or 3-people teams)?

If used to create gaming character voices, how many files/minutes in audio can I generate for a month?

ChristianoSantosNov 24, 2022
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May 15, 2024

A: Hi again Christiano,
Noting exluded about commercial right!
You can generate as much file as you want within character limits of package in every 30-day period.


Q: How many Portuguese (Brazilian) voices do you have?

ChristianoSantosNov 24, 2022
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May 15, 2024

A: Oi Christiano,
17, my favorite number!
You can listen samples:


Q: Can you include API for something like tier 2?

danirogercPLUSNov 24, 2022
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May 15, 2024

A: Tier-4 is a 3in1 deal. We consider API services like another product like Voiceover and Transcription are.


Q: Hi, If I use a voice inside a small little interactive app for children, paid or free; can I use this deal ...

for this or should I avoid getting this deal? I am thinking of using Voiser to say simple things like:

Twelve o clock

etc...then let the child match sound and image correctly together.

Then I am also having ideas about making youtube videos, long/short...TikTok videos and marketing videos.

What is prohibited?

I do not want to buy the highest Tier and then find out my usecase isnt allowed.


mix624PLUSNov 24, 2022
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May 15, 2024

A: Peace your mind, commercial rights are included at all Tiers.
