Voiser Questions

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Showing 1 - 20 of 45 questions

Q: I just type 2 lines in English and tried it on Taiwan mandarin however the voice over spoke in 99% English and 1% mandarin.

How is this so , i thought , if text is in English , speech will be the language will be the one we chose . I tried other software before and all convert from English text to the speech language i chose.

How do i convert English to mandarin ?

vivienhoeDec 17, 2022
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Founder Team


May 15, 2024

A: Hey , Voiser doesn't support language translation.


Q: Can you tell me about the downloading format.

It's currently only available in mp3. I need to get files in an uncompressed wav format so that they can edit with the source file.

ansuprPLUSDec 1, 2022
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Founder Team


May 14, 2024

A: Hey, you must be a sound pro.
For now just mp3.


Q: Hello, I bought max tiers and signed up but then got locked out because I didn't receive the activation link e-mail.

I tried again by clicking 'forgot password' but still didn't receive any e-mail and it's been more than 20 minutes.

Can you please help?

shujarabbaniNov 30, 2022
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Founder Team


May 14, 2024

A: If you need anything, have any questions, or just need help,
You can simply send email to hello @voiser.net to get in touch.
or text from WhatsApp: +90 216 599 1011
or “Support” messages sent from the panel, reach a shared email account and one of us responds shortly.
Peace your mind, we provide remote computer support over AnyDesk or Teamviewer.


Q: Why this offer is only available for a few days?

Are you planning to return to Appsumo?

maqmaqNov 29, 2022
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Founder Team


May 14, 2024

A: It is so sweet to have a message after the deal ends.
We will come back with many new developments later on.


Q: Hi, 1 I bought Tier 4 but I am extremely frustrated that you didnt build in a conversation mode!

It is almost already there if you think about it! It is already possible to write line by line and voice line by line. But it would be great if I could assign each line its own voice!

So in conversation mode I would be able to write something spoken by Voice 1(line 1) and next line 2 I could let another voice speak the reply and so on downwards.

And then each line is marked with each voice name and image. So then I could create a full conversation script! Now I have to write the first line with the first Vocieover character and download.

Then I have to go back and make a the reply and download it.

Then after the whole conversation I have to use an audio software to put it all together.

How about making the conversation right there and then, being able to change voices, line by line?

Seems like it should really be there already, seems brilliant! But instead I only have one voice for all the lines and have to download each individual line, each individual reply in the conversation.

Why do I ahve to voice selected lines again when loading it up from saved? So it cost credit again after I reload a voiceover? Yes it did, I thought it would be saved and just loaded up again without doing the work again?

mix624PLUSNov 29, 2022
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Founder Team


May 15, 2024

A: Hi,
1- You made nice explanation how you can alternatively make conversational voice over at Voiser Studio. And what you are asking will coming soon.
2-There is a ongoing development since we moved to super fast and secure server recently. Dev team putting code layers back, and it won't burn credits like before.
