A: You are correct, this is a mistake on AppSumo's part. I've asked them to fix the listing. No chance this deal has unlimited message credits, and not sure how they inferred that when it says "Message credits per month" in the second row and how many you get from us per tier. That said, you can add your own OpenAI key and that does provide you with unlimited messages per month
Q: Only the first worksheet in your spreadsheet will be connected.
can you explain this
Mar 13, 2025A: A Google Sheet can have multiple worksheets. We read data in the first one. You can connect multiple Google Sheets to a single chatbot though
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Q: Why doe your Plans & features say unlimited message credits for all the tiers and then hold limits for in the same
Plans & features
Tier 1 - says 500 message credits and then scroll down it says unlimited message credits monthly?
Mar 13, 2025A: You are correct, this is a mistake on AppSumo's part. I've asked them to fix the listing. No chance this deal has unlimited message credits, and not sure how they inferred that when it says "Message credits per month" in the second row and how many you get from us per tier. That said, you can add your own OpenAI key and that does provide you with unlimited messages per month
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Q: Explain monthly message credits
Details of how many messages his credit carries. I want to get a tier three, but this looks to me like a dealbreaker.
Mar 13, 2025A: 10,000 credits rom us in Tier 3. If you use your own OpenAI Key, it's unlimited
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Q: Word wrap and multiple line input
Is it possible to have word wrap and multiple line input on the input box?
When I was using your chatbot on your website I couldn't edit the right hand side of my long sentence. This was on an Android tablet.
Mar 13, 2025A: Yes, we've made a note. Thanks
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Q: Is the chatbot in tier 1 and 3 different?
I purchased tier 1 and saw at the back end where upgrade options show that tier 2&3 has gpt 4? Where as tier 1 shows blank so what chat is that?
Mar 12, 2025A: That's old information. All tiers now are powered by the same AI.... the latest models
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