Q: Hello Support Team, 1.)

Great product! Is there an option to purchase additional user seats?

2.) Can user/client seats be reused on service after service finalized with the client?

3.) How is your software different from Ethos, currently on Appsumo?

I look forward to your response. Thanks in advance for answering my questions.

thomas.anthonyPLUSMar 8, 2024
Founder Team


May 14, 2024

A: Hello Thomas!

1) Yes, the current rate is $2/month per additional 100GB needed for storage and $3/month per additional user seats used above your user limit. Custom plans can be built as well by speaking with our support team. :)

2) The user/client seat count is only for current seats used. If you delete a brand or remove a client/user from all other brands, then they will not count against your seat count!

3) For Ethos, I believe they are a "brand guideline tool". That is not BrandBay's main focus although many brand guideline use-cases are resolved by using BrandBay's dashboard. BrandBay is designed to be digital asset hub for your or your clients brands. The goal is to remove the barriers and complexity behind sharing, reviewing, and distributing your client's or your own team's digital brand assets by having a simple dashboard with highly customizable permissions to control sharing to give a tailored experience between the agency/freelancer and the end-client. Sharing large files and keeping them organized is generally bulky and difficult and BrandBay provides a fast and secure way (with password protection, share links, and even brand kit share pages) to share such content in a searchable and easy to understand way.

If you had any other questions please reach out to us directly at support@brandbay.io!

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Posted: Mar 8, 2024

Thanks, I greatly appreciate your assistance in answering my questions.