Q: I viewed the Chrome extension and had 2 questions: 1) What does it actually do?

I wish the video on the Chrome store was specific to the extension, not a generic promo video.
2) What is the reason that it requires this high level of permissions? "Read and change all your data on all websites"

CliffordPPLUSMar 6, 2024
Founder Team


May 15, 2024

A: Hello Clifford,

Thank you for your questions!

The Chrome extension is a great way to access your brand assets while you are working online. Oftentimes if you're in a creative workflow, it can be a hinderance to your workflow to have to pause and find an asset, or a color, or a logo and so with the browser extension, all of your important assets are available to you in the same tab you're working in.

Programmatically, it is not much different than the web app, but it gives you flexibility and instant access to your media in context to where you're working.

For more info on the browser extension, I would recommend taking a look at our short tutorial video on the subject: https://youtu.be/XmrcU9NsHHI?si=fa2gmlD1PFd1DMUB

In regard to the permissions, I believe the only reason for that permission is to make the copy and paste function work so that a color code or URL that you copy from BrandBay in the Chrome extension could actually be pasted on the web page behind the extension.

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