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Solve customer queries fast with video chat, screen sharing, and co-browsing right on your site

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Guiding customers through a quick fix can feel frustrating when you’re limited to email and chat. (“I’ll be right with you, after I read... all of this.”)

Without access to their actual screens, you’re going back and forth collecting random information from your customers just to come up with a makeshift solution.

You need one solution that lets you combine instant video chat, screen sharing, co-browsing, and session replays right on your website.

Make way for Feederloop.


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Reduce customer support sessions with video chat, screen sharing, and co-browsing integrated right on your website or app
Record customer video calls to create high-quality session replays that you can share with your dev team



Feederloop is a customer support tool that integrates real-time video chat, session replays, and co-browsing right on your website or app.

Feederloop makes it easy to conduct live video calls, session replays, and co-browsing on your site, so you can connect with customers in no time.

They'll even be able to screen share during video calls to show you exactly what they’re dealing with.

And since this tool also lets you see how users browse your site, you can guide them to the simplest solution.

Screen sharing

Video chat with customers and view their screen and browsing behavior in real time.

Best of all, Feederloop has a powerful co-browsing feature that lets you click, scroll, and type directly into the customer’s browser.

Take temporary control of your customer’s screen to demonstrate how to use your product or services firsthand.

Plus, you can speed up the onboarding process to get your customers up and running in a snap.


Click, scroll, and type right into your customer’s window to help them navigate your site.

With Feederloop, you’ll be able to record customer sessions to capture real user issues in action.

Share sessions to replay on demand, so your your customer service, engineering, and product teams are aligned.

Because they’ll be able to see all the console errors IRL, your devs can fix problems without reproducing bugs for hours.

Session replays

Fix bugs faster with session replays that capture real user issues and console errors.

Feederloop also makes it a cinch to monitor who's on your website and join their session with just one click.

Create visitor profiles to keep tabs on your high-converting customers and browse through their user activity.

Plus, users can reach out for customer support directly on your website or app—no complicated downloads required.

Main dashboard

Track site visitors in real time and browse through their user activity.

Helping your customers troubleshoot issues shouldn’t feel like you’re playing a bad game of charades. (“Okay, it’s two words. Uhh, help me?”)

Good thing Feederloop lets you video call, co-browse, and screen share with your users to improve customer service and drive sales.

Give customers the support they need.

Get lifetime access to Feederloop today!

Updates from Feederloop

First post from Founder

Posted Jan 5, 2023

Deal Update

Posted Feb 8, 2023


Questions & Reviews

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Showing 5 of 50 questions

Q: Hi, Welcome to Appsumo!

I use GetGist for chat/crm. Would feederloop integrate with getgist? If not, could I run them in parallel? Right now only a small percentage of customers need screen sharing, but it would be useful vs a full zoom share.

dcf83198630c40638fa4da75ab820f12PLUSFeb 7, 2023
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Founder Team


May 14, 2024

A: Hi there,

Thanks for the questions.

We've actually got GetGist on our roadmap for integration. So you wont need to wait very long until it's available.

However for the time being, you can certainly run both in parallel. Feederloop gives you the option to hide the widget when you're not on a call with someone. This means you can still use GetGist as your primary point of contact and then when you want to switch over to a video or screen share session, simply hop over to Feederloop.

Kind regards,


Q: Is this deal coming back?

Does it work like TeamViewer?

renteriahMay 31, 2023
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Q: Are you planning to offer an actual chat window rather than make a call with the visitor?

Most visitors don't feel comfortable to jump on a voice (and much less a video) call with a company they don't know. The contact has to initiate with a chat window and then move to a phone call from there.

staedeliPLUSMar 29, 2023
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Founder Team


May 14, 2024

A: Hi there,

Yes we have text chat on our roadmap. However our service is by design intended to be used along side existing chat platforms such as Intercom, LiveAgent and so on. This is why we have strong integrations with our partners listed here: https://www.feederloop.com/integrations/

But with that said, we do have text chat on our roadmap.



Q: Hi, I have the 2 codes deal.

I see visitors staying around with no activity, when I click it says they are on another tab, yet they are taking up my precious space out of 5 visitors.
It was not clear from the deal description that 5 websites are the same as max. 5 visitors on one website.
1) how can I kick out an inactive visitor to make space for others?
2) why do some visitors not show up at all in the dashboard?
3) can you please show the IP Address of the visitor in the dashboard?
4) we need a WordPress plugin that will send the name / email of a logged in customer to Feederloop.
5) I clicked on one visitor, it said, not on the tab, and back in the overview it says "on call" greyed out and there is no way to go back. Also when I completely close feederloop and go back, it will still say on call for that person, button is greyed out.
There should be a way to re-establish the connection to a visitor if it was lost for some reason.
Thanks for your help

staedeliPLUSMar 27, 2023
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Founder Team


May 14, 2024

A: Hi there,

You are able to see up to 20 visitors on the dashboard at the same time.

We recommend identifying your visitors (https://support.feederloop.com/getting_started/identifying_your_users.html) which allows you to use the search field on the top right to find any user on your website (not limited to the 20 currently on the dashboard).

We will investigate a possible WordPress plugin for identifying users. In the mean time, the above mentioned method is what is typically used.

Thanks for the other suggestions, we'll add those to our roadmap.



Q: website isolation?

What is that?

White labelling is mentioned? Is this true white labelling or just the removal of your logo from somewhere?


just_another_yserMar 22, 2023
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Founder Team


May 14, 2024

A: Hi there,

This can be useful if you install Feederloop on multiple websites. You have the option to assign team members to specific websites. Agents in teams will only have access to the sites they're assigned to. In other words, they are isolated from anything they're not specifically assigned to.

This isolation applies to all aspects of Feederloop (ie: calls, recordings, messages etc).

We have a support article here which explains it quite well here: https://support.feederloop.com/core_concepts/teams.html



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