Unfortunately, when a deal ends, our contract with the partner expires, so we cannot sell any more copies of the deal. When a product is about to leave the store, we usually post a timer on the Product Detail Page so Sumo-lings can see how much time they have until the deal is over (remember, our deals are based in CST).
Additionally, you can check out our new Ending Soon...
Q: hi,
no one reply email for 2 days
There are two scenarios for multi-store connection.
Current (Available for Tier 5 only) You create multiple teams (brands) under one account (company). You also create one store per team. So, each team has a different set of users. Currently, this is something you can do on Tier 5. You can learn more about this here:...
Say, I have 2-3 woocommerce stores selling totally different kinds of products. And there is only a small team of people managing those stores. Would you suggest getting below Tier 5? What I'm worried about is the customer data and products from different stores.
If you have 3 woocommerce stores selling totally different kinds of products, we would recommend getting a tier 5, since you can create 3 teams under one account/license and keep your businesses and data separate from one another. Creating multiple teams is not an option for tier 1-4 right now. Learn more about multi-team account here:...
Q: I want this back
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Q: need to come back
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Q: Is there a way to integrate other ecommerce data with api?
I am looking for integration for vendure.io
Are you guys coming back?
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Hey there info6761!
Unfortunately, when a deal ends, our contract with the partner expires, so we cannot sell any more copies of the deal. When a product is about to leave the store, we usually post a timer on the Product Detail Page so Sumo-lings can see how much time they have until the deal is over (remember, our deals are based in CST).
Additionally, you can check out our new Ending Soon...
Q: hi, no one reply email for 2 days support@myalice.
is that normal????
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Yea same. Been wanting agency access / setup for a bit and still waiting on reply.
Q: Hi, is multi-stores included for all tiers?
May 14, 2024A: Hello!
There are two scenarios for multi-store connection.
Current (Available for Tier 5 only)
You create multiple teams (brands) under one account (company). You also create one store per team. So, each team has a different set of users. Currently, this is something you can do on Tier 5. You can learn more about this here:...
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Hi Sibbir,
Thanks for the prompt reply.
Say, I have 2-3 woocommerce stores selling totally different kinds of products. And there is only a small team of people managing those stores. Would you suggest getting below Tier 5? What I'm worried about is the customer data and products from different stores.
Hi there!
If you have 3 woocommerce stores selling totally different kinds of products, we would recommend getting a tier 5, since you can create 3 teams under one account/license and keep your businesses and data separate from one another. Creating multiple teams is not an option for tier 1-4 right now. Learn more about multi-team account here:...