Q: I am a solopreneur. Can I set up funnels with SuiteDash? What additional is needed to send emails?

kmcopywriteOct 2, 2024
Founder Team


Oct 2, 2024

A: Hi kmcopywrite,

Absolutely you can set up funnels. Without knowing more detail, that's about the best answer I can give, but the reality is that just about anything you can imagine is possible.

RE: Emails, please see below:

All transactional emails send from the platform are FREE

Please watch this video to understand the difference between transactional emails and marketing emails: https://youtu.be/exBcumzam44?t=1412

For Marketing emails, we give you the capability to use your own sending method, so that can be as simple as sending from your Gmail account for small sends, to as complex as sending via Amazon SES in unlimited volume. As a convenience, we do provide an option to send marketing emails via our built-in sending method, and this does carry a small additional monthly fee. But again, this is completely optional.

Of course, sending mass-marketing emails has a cost, which is why services like Sendgrid, Mailgun, etc. exist, so it's only logical that we can't provide you with this service for free.

But, when a Service we provide has variable costs based on usage, our policy is to pass those costs directly to you without any markup – we don’t profit on these Services. This aligns with our goal of keeping SuiteDash affordable for small and medium-sized businesses worldwide. If you don’t need the Service, you don’t pay for it. If you do, you pay a reduced cost that is as close as possible to “wholesale pricing” which ultimately saves you money. This is better than the alternative approach, in which we’d have to increase pricing of our Plans for everyone to cover our costs, meaning you’d pay the same whether you used the service or not.

Hope that helps!



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