Webvizio Questions

Showing 1 - 20 of 160 questions

Q: when is this coming back.

AkramSabraPLUSMar 9, 2024
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Founder Team


May 15, 2024

A: Hi, we cannot say for sure when or if we are coming back to the AppSumo platform. You can contact us directly at support@webvizio.com. Thanks.


Q: Hello, I'm a tier 3, and I'm having issues with guest being able to leave a comment using a guest link.

They are able to create a task and title but not comment, and it's defeating. Is there a setting that I'm not toggling or is this just not possible? I read in another response that it is, and I clicked on the link your shared and shows that guest comments is possible, but I can't figure out how. Please let me know, I would really appreciate it.

roy_PLUSJan 31, 2024
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Founder Team


May 14, 2024

A: Hi Roy,

Thank you for reaching us. Guests cannot fully collaborate, including adding comments to the tasks. As mentioned before, guests are not collaborators, and there is a substantial difference between members and unregistered users outside your account. Technically, the system cannot differentiate between guest users because they are not registered with it. We recommend assigning a role...


Q: In tier 1 how does the guest know there is a video attached for him to view?

If I buy tier 1 will I get custom domain once available?

Sicilian_Don_SumoJan 21, 2024
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Founder Team


May 15, 2024

A: Hello,

1. In Webvizio, a task cannot be assigned to a guest. You can assign tasks only to collaborators (so the user must be registered.) However, guests can preview tasks and videos created by collaborators by simply previewing tasks in the task list.
2. Since the CNAME feature has not yet been implemented, and at the moment, we can't say if it will be available by default on Appsumo...


Q: Hello When is CNAME whitelabel launched?

KwanJan 20, 2024
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Founder Team


May 14, 2024

A: Hi Kwan, we don't have the ETA yet. It's in our roadmap for 2024, and we will keep everybody informed when we have all the details.


Q: I often open support tickets on webflow sending them videos.

Can I do it using this tool sharing with webflow support a link without the need for them to register to view? Is it easy to locate the video?

Sicilian_Don_SumoJan 20, 2024
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Founder Team


May 15, 2024

A: Hi,
You can easily share your task where you describe an issue via a guest link (no need to register). The video will be added as an attachment to the task. But, we do not provide a separate sharable link to video attachments.
