

Sometimes... the best things in life are free.

In this collection of free tools, you will find software, tools, eBooks, and PDFs in a wide array of categories—all fo’ free! 🤑
14 products
KingSumoin Lead generation
Grow your audience with viral giveaways that cut marketing costs
AppSumo's Mint Marketing Plan
AppSumo's Mint Marketing Plan
AppSumo Select
AppSumo's Mint Marketing Planin Strategy
The complete marketing roadmap that grew Mint to 1 million users in 6 months
Total Downloads: 36,833
AppSumo's Million Dollar Email Templates
AppSumo's Million Dollar Email Templates
AppSumo Select
AppSumo's Million Dollar Email Templatesin Content strategy
The best email templates to grow your business relationships
Total Downloads: 61,240
AppSumo's Google Sheets Template Pack
AppSumo's Google Sheets Template Pack
AppSumo Select
AppSumo's Google Sheets Template Packin How-to-use popular tools
Free Google Sheets templates to create advertising calculators, title generators, a CRM, and more
Total Downloads: 59,935
SendFox - Plus exclusive
SendFox - Plus exclusive
AppSumo Plus Exclusive
SendFox - Plus exclusivein Email marketing
Schedule and automate your email growth with this affordable email marketing tool
Total Downloads: 16,306
Brizy Design Kit
Brizy Design Kit
AppSumo Select
Brizy Design Kitin Web builders
UI design in way less time with stunning premade site blocks and content
Total Downloads: 44,525
KingSumo - Plus exclusive
KingSumo - Plus exclusive
AppSumo Plus Exclusive
KingSumo - Plus exclusivein Lead generation
Grow your audience with viral giveaways that cut marketing costs
Total Downloads: 12,036
Starting From Zero
Starting From Zero
AppSumo Select
Starting From Zeroin Strategy
Learn how to turn your side hustle into a fully booked freelance business
Total Downloads: 16,731
Million Dollar Email Templates 2.0
Million Dollar Email Templates 2.0
Million Dollar Email Templates 2.0in Email template
Get the million-dollar emails that AppSumo used to help grow into a nine-figure business
Total Downloads: 21,081
Yay Images Startups
Yay Images Startups
AppSumo Select
Yay Images Startupsin Stock photos
Access over 2 million beautiful stock images, vectors, and videos for free
Total Downloads: 68,796
ApproveMe’s Ultimate Contract Template Library
ApproveMe’s Ultimate Contract Template Library
AppSumo Select
ApproveMe’s Ultimate Contract Template Libraryin Legal
Professionally prepared contract templates that protect and cover a variety of businesses
Total Downloads: 49,869
The Sauce - Plus exclusive
The Sauce - Plus exclusive
AppSumo Plus Exclusive
The Sauce - Plus exclusivein Community builders
Join this private business community for tech-savvy entrepreneurs to grow your business fast
Total Downloads: 3,532
AppSumo Select
VectorGrovein Stock photos
Empower your creativity with millions of royalty-free vectors and graphics
Total Downloads: 30,508
$5 Million on AppSumo: The NEURONwriter Success Story - First Chapter
$5 Million on AppSumo: The NEURONwriter Success Story - First Chapter
$5 Million on AppSumo: The NEURONwriter Success Story - First Chapterin General marketing
Learn how we launched a successful SaaS business on AppSumo, generating $5 million in revenue.
Total Downloads: 451