Looking to dive into an email solution with automations. Trying to compare SendFox with Acumbamail. Can anyone share with me the differences (pros/cons)?
Q: When will you introduce "IF" function in automations? I was shocked that you don't have it yet.
Without "IF" function based on contact activity, it's like a "stone-age" tool. It's useless in today's modern digital marketing. If my contact already bought the product I'm promoting via the email automation sequence, I MUST have an opportunity to stop this automation from being sent to that client. So... when will you have it?
Q: How Does this Compare with Acumbamail ??
Looking to dive into an email solution with automations. Trying to compare SendFox with Acumbamail. Can anyone share with me the differences (pros/cons)?
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Q: Smart Page
Hello custom domains are supported with the Smart Page features?
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Q: When will you introduce "IF" function in automations? I was shocked that you don't have it yet.
Without "IF" function based on contact activity, it's like a "stone-age" tool. It's useless in today's modern digital marketing. If my contact already bought the product I'm promoting via the email automation sequence, I MUST have an opportunity to stop this automation from being sent to that client. So... when will you have it?
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Q: Shopify Integration Please? (Purchase Info, etc)
I am positive you'll get 1000's of instant subscribers if you are able to get this accomplished. Is it in the plans? (when?)
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Q: Change Contacts keeping my plan limit
If I have a plan for 5000 contacts. Can I change those contacts keeping my cuota in my 5000 limit?
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